Tim McLean left Edmonton at 12 a.m. on July 30, 2008, on board a Greyhound Bus, destined for Winnipeg. At 7 p.m. the bus left one of the scheduled stops with a new passenger, Vincent Weiguang Li. Li, a tall man, with shaved head and sunglasses, sat near the front of the bus but moved next to McLean following a scheduled rest stop. McLean proceeded to fall asleep with his headphones on. Suddenly there was a blood-curdling scream and Li was standing over McLean stabbing him repeatedly in the neck with a huge knife. McLean struggled and tried to escape but couldn't as Li was blocking the aisle. The bus driver pulled to the side of the road as screaming, panicked passengers fled the bus. The driver and two other men tried to rescue McLean but were chased away by Li, who slashed wildly at them from behind the locked bus doors. Li then decapitated McLean and displayed his severed head to passengers outside. Li began severing body parts and eating McLean's flesh. By 9 p.m. Police were in a stand-off with Li, who taunted police, continuing cannibalizing and defiling the corpse. At 1:30 a.m. Li tried to escape out a window and was tasered and arrested. Body parts of the victim were found in plastic bags on the bus while one ear, the nose and the tongue were found in Li's pockets. McLean's eyes and part of his heart were missing. Li, his face bloody, pleaded with officers, "I'm sorry. I'm guilty. Please kill me!"
In March 2009 Vincent Li was found Not Criminally Responsible for the gruesome murder of Tim McLean in 2008.
In May 2015 Vincent Li was released from custody from the Selkirk Mental Health Centre and is now a free man living in a group home. THE GREYHOUND BUS CANNIBAL KILLER-The Definition of Insanity-Dan Zupansky