Stephen Singular


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The 20th anniversary of the death of JonBenet Ramsey is in December 2016. Stephen’s 1999 book about the murder of JonBenet explored the realm of child exploitation and its connection to the crime. In August 2016 Singular released an updated edition of Presumed Guilty: An Investigation of the JonBenet Ramsey case, the Media, and the Culture of Pornography on Amazon Kindle. It examines why the case still hasn’t been solved and the most important developments over the past seventeen years.

The 1999 examination of the JonBenet Ramsey case was the only book to suggest something other than the two conventional scenarios: one of the Ramseys killed the child or an intruder did it. "Presumed Guilty" broadened the discussion to include the involvement of child pornography/child exploitation around the murder.

“The case remains a world-class conundrum. The murder of JonBenet is the only example in the annals of American homicide where a body and a ransom note were found in the same location.

'In the world of true crime, there is “absolute truth” and there is “effective truth.” Since 1999, enough has happened to give us a much fuller sense of the effective truth of JonBenet’s death and a much clearer idea of why the case hasn’t been solved.' PRESUMED GUILTY: An Investigation of the JonBenet Ramsey Case, the Media and the Culture of Pornography-Stephen Singular

Year of Release: 2016
Length: 63 minutes