Erin Lee Carr


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In Mommy Dead and Dearest, provocative documentarian Erin Lee Carr (HBO’s Thought Crimes: The Case of the Cannibal Cop) explores a grisly tale where nothing is quite what it seems. Following Dee Dee’s brutal murder, a mysterious status ended up on her facebook page announcing “The bitch is dead,” which investigators used to track her daughter, Gypsy, to a house in Wisconsin. Gypsy, who had been ill and confined to a wheelchair for nearly her entire life, was the subject of much concern in their community. But once she was brought into the courthouse, everybody was shocked to discover that she could walk after all. The inspiring tale of a mother and her sick daughter turned into something much darker than anybody anticipated, with Gypsy a victim of one of psychology’s most controversial conditions: Munchausen by proxy. Carr digs deeper into this rabbit hole of deception with unprecedented access, and weaves a tale that proves that truth really is stranger than fiction. MOMMY DEAD AND DEAREST-Erin Lee Carr.

Year of Release: 2021
Length: 52 minutes